How to Install Node.JS Server on Azure/AWS/GCP

To setup and install NodeJS on any of the cloud platforms, the recommended way is to setup a VM using the image available in the marketplaces below. Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, and can be run within the Node.js runtime on Linux.

Getting Started


Once your Node.JS server has been deployed, the following links explain how to connect to a Linux VM:



Once connected and logged in, you’re ready to start configuring Nodejs

Using Node.js


To test that Node.js is running, run the following commands and it should tell you what version is running.

node -v

The version of Node.js will be the latest from the OS official repositories that can be used to provide a consistent experience across multiple systems.


If however you would like the most recent version from PPA (personal package archive) maintained by NodeSource, refer to the following instructions for upgrading to the latest version.


For Ubuntu Server:


For CentOS Server:


Nodejs Documentation


Documentation on using Node.JS can be found on their website:

Node.js Firewall Ports


By default the following ports have been enabled:


  • TCP80
  • TCP443
  • TCP3000


If you are using any of the cloud security groups and need to change / add ports refer to the following guides:


To setup AWS firewall rules refer to – AWS Security Groups

To setup Azure firewall rules refer to – Azure Network Security Groups

To setup Google GCP firewall rules refer to – Creating GCP Firewalls

Disclaimer: Node.js® is a registered trademark of Joyent, Inc. and is licensed under MIT License. No warrantee of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software. Use at your risk, responsibility for damages (if any) to anyone resulting from the use of this software rest entirely with the user. The author is not responsible for any damage that its use could cause.

Avatar for Andrew Fitzgerald
Andrew Fitzgerald

Cloud Solution Architect. Helping customers transform their business to the cloud. 20 years experience working in complex infrastructure environments and a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert on everything Cloud.

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