How to Setup Cloud GeoServer on Windows Server in Azure/AWS/GCP

To install GeoServer and run on any of the cloud platforms, the best way is to deploy the readily available images in the cloud marketplaces.  The images come pre loaded with GeoServer open source with the required Java requirements running on Windows server. Check the links below to deploy to your cloud environment.

Table of Contents

GeoServer features

GeoServer is a Java-based server that allows users to view and edit Geospatial data:


  • Supports a wide range of input formats, used to generate maps(WMS)- Web Map Service 
  • Open layers integrated making maps creation easy and fast 
  • Input formats supported (Shapefile, GeoPackage, SQL Server, MongoDB, ElasticSearch and others 
  • Java J2EE application, works with Jetty, Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss.
  • Multiple output formats (GML, shapefile, KML, GeoJSON, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, SVG, PDF, GeoRSS) plus Google Earth integration
  • Content is available on the web via well-known APIs.

Getting Started with GeoServer

Once you have deployed GeoServer on Windows server, the first step is to RDP into the new instance once it has fully booted up.  The following links explain how to connect the VM once it has finished being deployed:



Once logged in, you’re now ready to start setting up your new server as per the following sections. Scroll down to the relevant cloud platform you are using (Azure, AWS, GCP).

Running GeoServer on Azure

To start GeoServer, run the ‘StartGeo.bat‘ icon on the desktop. This will start GeoServer and then wait for the confirmation message that is has started 

GeoServer windows

Login URL


Login details
User: admin
Pass: geoserver

Running GeoServer on AWS

To start GeoServer, run the ‘StartGeo.bat‘ icon on the desktop. This will start GeoServer and then wait for the confirmation message that is has started.

Login URL


Login details
User: admin
Pass: Password is the VM Instance ID. To find the Instance ID you will find on the top right of the desktop or within the AWS console under the EC2 VM properties

Running GeoServer on GCP (Google Cloud Platform)

To start GeoServer, Right-click the ‘StartGeo.bat‘ icon on the desktop and run as administrator. This will start GeoServer and then wait for the confirmation message that is has started 

geoserver google

Login URL


Login details
User: admin
Pass: Password is the VM Instance ID. To find the Instance ID you will find on the property details of the VM within your GCP console. Here is a screenshot of where you will find it:

GeoServer Firewall Ports

Geoserver uses the following ports:


  • 80 TCP
  • 8080 TCP


If you need to open any firewall ports on your VM, the following links explain how to create them:


To setup AWS firewall rules refer to – AWS Security Groups

To setup Azure firewall rules refer to – Azure Network Security Groups

To setup Google GCP firewall rules refer to – Creating GCP Firewalls

GeoServer Documentation / Support

Documentation on using GeoServer can be found on their website at the following link:


Any support issues you can take a look at their forum


Any issues regarding the installation you can contact us directly or leave a comment below and we will assist as much as we can.


Disclaimer: GeoServer is licensed under GNU General Public license. No warrantee of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software. Use at your risk, responsibility for damages (if any) to anyone resulting from the use of this software rest entirely with the user. The author is not responsible for any damage that its use could cause.

Avatar for Andrew Fitzgerald
Andrew Fitzgerald

Cloud Solution Architect. Helping customers transform their business to the cloud. 20 years experience working in complex infrastructure environments and a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert on everything Cloud.

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