Setup or install WAMP Server on any of the cloud platforms (Azure, AWS, GCP) is to use our marketplace image. The image comes pre loaded with WAMP Server on Windows Server 2016/2019/2022 with Apache Web Server, PHP, MySQL, MariaDB, phpMyadmin. The perfect solution to host your web applications in the cloud.
Apache Webserver MySQL DB Server MariaDB Server PHP Scriting language installed MySQL Workbench GUI WAMP Server Tools PhpMyAdmin to manage DBs Manage Apache and MySQL services Switch to online / offline mode (accessible to all or limited to localhost) Install and change version of Apache, MySQL and PHP Manage the configuration parameters of your servers Access your logs Access configuration files Create aliases
Getting started with WAMP Server on Windows
Once you’ve deployed WAMP Server to your cloud environment you’re ready to start using it. The below sections explain how to use and login to your new WAMP Server and making any configuration changes.
Launch Wampserver using the desktop icon, which launchs a try icon. Left click or Right click to see the WAMP server options from the tray icon.
NOTE: If you find WAMP options don’t launch from the tray icon, first open the Microsoft Edge browser and then try launching any of the apps from the tray icon again with the browser open.
WAMP Login Username and Password
The default login for PhpMyadmin, MariaDB, Mysql for each cloud platform are as follows:
User: root Pass: blank (no password is set)
NOTE: If you find WAMP doesn’t launch from the tray icon, first open the Microsoft edge browser and then try launching any of the apps from the tray icon again with the browser open.
MySQL and MariaDB
Depending on the versions of the complete Wamp server installers, either MySQL or MariaDB is the default database manager.
If MySQL is the default manager, it uses port 3306, in which case MariaDB will use port 3307.
If MariaDB is the default manager, it will use port 3306, in which case MySQL will use port 3307. In some cases it can also be port 3308.
You may find that MariaDB is the default database manager and if you want to use MySQL, Simply right-click Wampmanager Icon -> Wamp Settings -> Allow MySQL to check.
To find out what ports MariaDB or MySQL are using – right click on WAMP icon tray > Tools and as shown in the screenshot you can see the ‘Default DBMS’ is MariaDB and the ports used by MariaDB are 3306 and MySQL using port 3308. In most cases it is normally 3307.
With Wampserver 3, you can create a VirtualHost with few clicks.
For ease of explanation, here are some names:
– sitefolder : folder in which you want to host the local site,
– sitename : name that will be called the local site (http://sitename/).
First, choose where we want to host your local site, it can be a folder in Wampserver as
c:/wamp/www/sitefolder/ but this is not mandatory;
This host folder can be anywhere on the hard drive, avoiding the paths comportants spaces; for simplicity of explanation we choose c:\sitefolder\.
We need the folder to host the site exists before creating the VirtualHost, we must create it whith File Explorer, launched as administrator(See bottom of page *) :
– Move in the disk tree to where we want to create the folder “sitefolder“ – Right-Click, New -> Folder – Then type the folder name
– Lauch Wampserver, wait for icon W gren – Wampmanager Icon -> localhost.
We arrive on the home page Wampserver, without Your VirtualHosts menu in the lower right (This is normal, just after installing Wampserver),
– Click Add Virtual Host in your Tools menu at the bottom left.
Arriving there, everything is ready in order to create his first VirtualHost.
– In the form — For « Name of the Virtual Host No space – No underscore(_) », we type: sitename
— For « Complete absolute path of the VirtualHost folder Examples: C:/wamp/www/projet/ or E:/www/site1/ », we type: c:\sitefolder\
And validates the form by the button:
– Start the creation of the VirtualHost As stated: It can take some time.
After this “time” it is stated that unfortunately certain operations required for the recognition by Windows and and Apache of this new VirtualHost can not be performed automatically by the browser, so, as shown:
– Right-Click Wampmanager Icon -> Tools -> Restart DNS Wait until the icon turns green.
Click on Back to home
You now have Your VirtualHost Your menu, at right with such items:
– localhost – sitename
Likewise, you also have this submenu Your VirtualHosts with Wampmanager icon.
Now everything is ready to set up your local site in the folder c:\sitefolder\ indicating, if required during the installation, that the URL is (http://sitename/) (Without parentheses).
*To launch an application, via its shortcut, as administrator :
– Right-click on the shortcut, Properties – Shortcut tab – Advanced button – Select Run as Administrator – OK, Apply, OK.
You are not required to keep using both MySQL and MariaDB managers, you can keep only the one that suits you and you can even completely disable both database managers by:
Right-click Wampmanager Icon -> Wamp Settings -> Allow MariaDB to uncheck Right-click Wampmanager Icon -> Wamp Settings -> Allow MySQL to uncheck
If you have any questions about this WAMPServer deployment or are experiencing any issues with your deployment leave your comments below and i will answer them for you within 24 hours.
If you would like to hire us to setup your WAMP server environment for you, get in touch and we can get you up and running
Cloud Solution Architect. Helping customers transform their business to the cloud. 20 years experience working in complex infrastructure environments and a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert on everything Cloud.