Top 5 Best Alternatives to FTP on Linux / Windows (Pros and Cons). In this article, I am going to describe the top 5 best alternatives to FTP servers. Firstly, I’ll explain what an FTP server is with Linux and Windows system. I will also discuss it’s pros and cons and their differences and move onto best FTP alternatives.
Shall we start our article Top 5 Best Alternatives to FTP on Linux / Windows (Pros and Cons).
An FTP server is an application that allows you to transfer files from one device to another. It performs two simple tasks: “download” and “paste”. This means you can “download” a file from an FTP server or “upload” a file to an FTP server. After the file is uploaded, then it is transferred from the personal device to the server. Alternatively, the file will be transferred to your personal device when downloading from the server. Therefore, at the most basic level, the FTP server sits somewhere between the recipient and the sender.
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the basic network communication that allows you to transfer digital files from a server to a computer.
It supports an FTPfile transfer database via a standard communication protocol that works at the network level to establish a secure connection between devices in a client-server architecture and efficiently transfer data over the Internet.
The basic explanation is that FTP uses two connections: the control channel and the data channel. The control channel creates a connection between two computers and establishes all authentication information. A data channel is responsible for transferring data between two computers.
Firstly, the FTP servers extend beyond other servers by making it easy to transfer files over the Internet. Secondly, they act as an intermediary between devices. Thanks to two devices called FTP clients connected to the Internet and a specific FTP server it allows you to transfer and download data between them.
What often differs between different FTP servers is the security of FTP access. In cybersecurity, some FTPs allow anonymous login, while others require a username, password, or MFA.
SFTP has emerged as an alternative to FTP and is often referred to as secure FTP.
The most important advantage of SFTP databases is the ability to create and encode large amounts of data between the client and the server. Therefore, we can conclude that the data between SFTP databases is very well encrypted. Very useful with uploading files to Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress.
File locking feature and attribute manipulation, for greater functionality.
Cons of SFTP server
The standards define specific things as optional or recommended. It may lead to compatibility problems between different software developed by different vendors.
The private keys has to be stored on the device from where you aim to transfer files, which needs to be protected against theft or loss.
Next FTP alternative is FTPS . Uses SSL certificate when authenticating for extra security. FTPS encrypts the command and data channels where authentication of your connection happens by using a user ID and password combination, a certificate, or both.
The FTPS runs in two modes – explicit and implicit. It is helpful when transferring files from mobile devices to an FTP server.
Also it creates a secure connection between the client and server for file transfer with SSL for more security.
Pros of FTPS server
Well known and widely used.
SSL as a widely used authentication mechanism.
Easy to implement.
No restrictions on the number of trading partners.
Support for multiple listeners with configurable port numbers.
AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a file transfer protocol (FTP) and supports automatic file transfer between servers. It is suitable for two or more parties that frequently transact with each other and requires a paperless transfer that ensures the integrity, security and reliability of the message.
This file transfer AS2 is similar to to FTPS as it also uses HTTP/S and TLS for encryption when transporting files.
It is able to transmit most types of data over the Internet, AS2 mainly deals with the transmission of EDI messages. In order for us to understand how AS2 works, we must first start with Electronic Data Interchange (or EDI).
Next FTP server alternative is HTTPS. It stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. It is a protocol that is designed to secure communication between two systems, such as a browser and a web server. Ideal for providing identity and confidentiality
The protocol protects users from eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks. It also protects legitimate domains from DNS (Domain Name System) spoofing attacks.
MFT is a technology platform that uses administrative controls, supports security protocols (such as HTTPS, SFTP, FTPS), and automation features to help companies securely share different types of data, including sensitive or compliance protected data in the form of large amounts of data transfer.
Top 5 Best Alternatives to FTP on Linux / Windows Conclusion
I hope you enjoyed reading our list of the 5 Best Alternatives to FTP for Windows and Linux. The FTP is still commonly used but SFTP is more secure, especially the sensitive files due to its encryption. Please check out other file transfer choices from above list to apply it your needs.
FTP server is extremely important in transferring files from one computer to another over the Internet. All of the above mentioned are some of the most popular and FTP server alternatives clients and are packed with many unique features. Each of them is very efficient in the work they do and definitely worth considering.