Enable WordPress Office 365 Logins using WP Cloud SSO WordPress Single Sign On plugin. Establish a trust between WordPress and Office365, allowing you to secure access to WordPress and only allow your Office 365 users SSO authentication to WordPress Logins.
In this guide we will go through the steps to configure WordPress to use Azure AD and Office 365 using WP Cloud SSO plugin. Map WordPress roles to Office 365 security groups, map Azure AD SAML attributes and much more..
How to configure Office 365 SSO as IdP ( steps provided)
Next, click on the properties on your group and copy the Object ID as we will need this later when you add this to our role mappings within our plugin.
In the WP Cloud SSO plugin there are 2 ways to setup Azure Active Directory with WordPress as your service provider.
Note: This upload feature is only available to paid plans. Refer to step B.) which allows you to configure manually.
Note: After pasting in your certificate data, make sure to format the contents as follows by adding the following text:
With Attribute Mapping, you can map attributes from Office 365 SSO users to their WordPress profile.
WordPress has 7 pre-defined roles :
For more information about WordPress, roles follow the link: https://wordpress.org/support/article/roles-and-capabilities/.
This feature is working only for Azure AD identity provider.
Next is to enable your Office 365 SSO login buttons, which can be found on the SSO Links tab. Follow the SSO Login Widget page for instructions on setting up.
For more information about Multiple Environments Feature follow the Multiple Environments SSO page.