Proxy Servers: What They Are and How They Work ? This article discusses one of the most common tools used in the world of the web and internet security – proxy servers.
We start the article with the introduction of proxy servers. Then we explain how they work and their different types and use cases. This article is for you whether you are a beginner or an advanced network administrator.
Let’s start Proxy Servers: What They Are and How They Work ?
In nutshell, proxy servers are machines that are installed between a user and a target server. User queries go to the proxy servers, which assess the requests and pass them on to the destination. The responses come back to the proxy, which passes them back to the user with due diligence.
What’s more, proxy servers perform many things, from load balancing to enhancing security. Overall, they protect against site crashing, being hacked or both.
The operation of proxies is fairly straightforward and uncomplicated. They are intermediaries that sit between you and the data you want to get. When you send a request through a proxy, the traffic request is made and the result comes back to you.
Some proxies have the ability to encrypt internet traffic in such a way that they hide it from the service provider.
Furthermore, proxies have the ability to change your IP address. This allows the sites you use to think you are from another country, nation.
The last thing important thing is blocking sites via proxies. Looking at your company’s capabilities using a proxy server for security, gives the option to choose which sites they allow users to access.
Why Proxy servers they are important for Internet Security and Privacy?
So, why proxy servers are essential for your business ? Well, proxy servers benefit you in better performance, higher levels of security and the ability to bypass content filters. You have several options, such as encrypting data, maintaining anonymity and so on. In nutshell, they are powerful tools in most internet security issues.
Prevent Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS)
What is more, content delivery networks (CDNs) are spread out proxies that mirror web content and services in different locations. These approaches reduce the scope, the severity and the impact of DDoS attacks. For instance, reverse proxy servers cache frequently visited websites in order to download them more quickly on demand. Effectively, proxy servers enable restricted content to be provided and accessed without compromising entire network resources to potential security risks.
Address Data Risks
When data is breached, we may lose important, protected information. Online hackers have the ability to have data leaked. Examples include credit card numbers, bank account details, health data, login credentials. Conversely, other negative things may happen that leads to loss of brand image or damage to reputation.
Please enable a proxy to identify, block or disable unwanted phishing sites.
Show a positive Image of your Brand
Given today’s various incidents of identity theft, the security and privacy of critical assets enhances your organisation’s brand image.
Therefore, using a proxy facilitates the successive monitoring and management of Internet traffic. This is done by geo-restricting network resources. People responsible for proxies recommend a lot of IP addresses, thanks to which it is possible to access business data, hosted content, etc. As a result, proxy servers offer the possibility of greater security, resilience and privacy.
Prevent Phishing Attacks
Phishing attacks seem to be an everyday occurrence. Every day you receive emails from organizations you trust. Unfortunately, online hackers have great opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities in your email to collect important personal information for themselves. As well as impersonate other people for personal gain or to spread malware.
Install proxies for companies and individuals to avoid such attacks. The introduction of e-mail proxies allows for greater security and privacy of the organization. Another advantage is the ability to block specific addresses where you are aware that they contain suspicious content. This action avoids threats related to malware, ransomware or hacker attacks.
Use them mainly for sending the data to given groups of users in the internal network. When a command is sent by a given sender, the proxy server has the task of evaluating the data only to decide whether to proceed and establish a connection.
Reverse Proxy
Reverse proxies are set up in front of web servers. The proxy receives the request from the user on the side of the server’s network and redirects the received request from the original server.
Transparent Proxy
Transparent proxies are used to hide enforced proxies. This type of proxy is useful for organizations that want to implement proxies without informing their employees that they are using them. Transparent proxies are more vulnerable to certain security threats, such as SYN floods and denial of service.
Lastly, proxies offer many benefits to both individuals and organizations, and understanding how proxies work helps you make an informed decision about their appropriate use for a particular purpose.