Apache Cassandra is a trusted open source NoSQL distributed database that delivers fast read write performance and allows storing large data volumes in different data centers. It is a highly scalable, fault tolerant NoSQL database written in Java. Most companies choose Apache Cassandra server over other database systems due to its advanced features, ability to handle large data sets and other advantages.
Today high profile companies like Spotify, Twitter, Cisco, eBay, Facebook, Instagram and Uber are using Cassandra. Apache Cassandra was designed to manage big data workloads across multiple servers without failure. Cassandra architecture supported horizontal scaling across multiple nodes that enabled users to address performance intensive use cases.
The column oriented database could process all PDFs, emails, social media posts and server logs. As a result, organizations can make better informed decisions with the help of Cassandra.
Over time the distributed database became popular and today is known as one of the trusted databases. In Cassandra node every node in the cluster is independent and takes over the other if one goes down. As a result, with Cassandra the chances of failure are less.
Cassandra supports various features, such as fast writes, effortless replication across data centers, zero downtime, linear scalability and more.
Also, the database nodes have the ability to accept read and write requests from any location. It is a popular schema free, API supported NoSQL database that offers easy replication with no single point of failure.
Unlike relational databases, Cassandra allows for unstructured data. Its simple design, horizontal scaling and more features enable developers to handle large data sets easily across multiple servers. Here are a few other benefits of using Cassandra:
Open Source
Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed database. Adapting open source technologies result in a higher speed of innovation. Many software development organizations look for software and tools that adopt open source technologies as they are affordable, extensible, and flexible, which helps in avoiding vendor lock in.
The Interface is quite familiar
Another benefit of choosing Apache Cassandra over other distributed databases is the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is similar to SQL. As a result, developers find it relatively easy to use the language and perform operations.
Earlier, applications were scaled vertically using expensive machines, as a result, it turned out to be a time consuming and costly procedure. However, today with distributed database like Cassandra, one can scale horizontally and add multiple nodes to the cluster faster. Also, one can scale across many geographical sites and put on more information or consumers as per the user’s requirement.
Quick Response Time
Cassandra’s fast linear scale performance allows users to add nodes to the clusters without worrying about the complexities. It further helps in improving the throughput and maintaining a quick response time.
Seamless Replication
Many enterprises are moving to hybrid cloud and multi data centers to improve business performance and for new challenges. The leading enterprises are also leveraging the strengths of each ecosystem rather than restricting themselves to a single provider. To get the most from the cloud environments, it is best to have a cloud database that provides security and scalability.
High level performance
In Cassandra, if any node goes down due to technical or other issues, the other can take its place and carry the data. Each node in cluster is equal and plays the same role in reading and writing operations. The fault tolerant features enable you to perform continuously. Further, one can add multiple nodes to the clout without creating any impact on the performance.
Follow this post to learn how to install Apache Cassandra on Debian 11.
Before starting, you will need to install OpenJDK to work seamlessly with Apache Cassandra. By default, Java is included in the Debian 11 default repository. You can install it by just running the following command:
apt-get install default-jdk -y
Once Java is installed, you can verify the installed version of Java with the following command:
java -version
You will get the Java version in the following output:
openjdk version "11.0.14" 2022-01-18
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.14+9-post-Debian-1deb11u1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.14+9-post-Debian-1deb11u1, mixed mode, sharing)
At this point, Java is installed on your system. You can now proceed to the next step.
Congratulations! you have successfully installed Apache Cassandra on Debian 11. Now, use Cassandra in the server where you want to store the large volume of data set. For more information visit the Apache Cassandra official documentation page.
I am a fan of open source technology and have more than 10 years of experience working with Linux and Open Source technologies. I am one of the Linux technical writers for Cloud Infrastructure Services.