Setup and install Bugzilla bug/issue tracker in the cloud. This self hosted bug tracking solution enables users to stay connected with their clients or employees, to communicate about problems effectively throughout the software development life cycle. Bugzilla is an open source project that is a web based bug tracker and testing tool. It allows you to keep track of outstanding bugs, problems, issues and enhancement, often used by software development teams to manage their software devopment projects.
Deploy using the image available in the cloud marketplaces below. Comes pre configured with the required Perl modules, Apache Web Server and MySQL/MariaDB database.
Once connected and logged in, the following section explains how to start using Bugzilla.
Bugzilla uses Apache Web Server and MariaDB Server for Linux which are pre installed in this image. The following steps will explain how to get Bugzilla setup.
1.) Create Database and User
2.) Configure Bugzilla Database Connection
3.) Create Bugzilla Apache Site
4.) Testing the Bugzilla Installation
5) Login to Bugzilla web dashboard
Create the Bugzilla Database and Database User
From your ssh terminal we need to first run the MariaDB inital security script to disable remote root logins, remove anonymous users and test databases. Current password is blank. Run the following command:
sudo mysql_secure_installation
Next we need to login to mysql and create a database that will be used by Bugzilla and create a user.
sudo mysql
Replace the following database name, user and password if you would like to change the defaults:
CREATE USER 'bugadmin'@'localhost' identified by 'changeme';
GRANT ALL ON bugzilla.* TO 'bugadmin'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Reload privileges table and exit the database:
Then restart MariaDB
sudo systemctl restart mariadb
Configure Bugzilla Database Connection
Once you have created the Bugzilla MySQL/MariaDB database were now ready configure the database connection details.
First we need to run the bugzilla script
cd /var/www/html/bugzilla
sudo ./
You should see errors about editing the ./localconfig file, which we will do next
Now we need to open the /var/www/html/bugzilla/localconfig configuration file and update the database connection details as created above.
sudo nano ./localconfig
Replace the database details with your database details as we created earlier:
# The name of the group that your web server runs as. On Red Hat
# distributions, this is usually "apache". On Debian/Ubuntu, it is
# usually "www-data".
$webservergroup = 'www-data';
# What SQL database to use.
$db_driver = 'mariadb';
# The DNS name or IP address of the host that the database server runs on.
$db_host = 'localhost';
# The name of the database.
$db_name = 'bugzilla';
# Who we connect to the database as.
$db_user = 'bugadmin';
# Enter your database password here.
$db_pass = 'changeme';
# port for my database server."
$db_port = 0;
Save and exit the file.
Verify Bugzilla database and initialize DB schemas
Run the Bugzilla script to verify the database connection, initialize several Bugzilla database schemas and create the required database tables and other configuration settings.
sudo /var/www/html/bugzilla/
Should see a similar output to the following:
Reading ./localconfig...
OPTIONAL NOTE: If you want to be able to use the 'difference between two
patches' feature of Bugzilla (which requires the PatchReader Perl module
as well), you should install patchutils from:
Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) ok: found v4.050
Checking for MySQL (v5.0.15) ok: found v5.5.5-10.5.8-MariaDB-1:10.5.8+maria~focal
Adding new table bz_schema...
Initializing bz_schema...
Creating tables...
Converting attach_data maximum size to 100G...
Setting up choices for standard drop-down fields:
priority bug_severity rep_platform op_sys resolution bug_status
Creating ./data directory...
Creating ./data/assets directory...
Creating ./data/attachments directory...
Creating ./data/db directory...
Once the Bugzilla database setup has completed, you are then asked to set the Bugzilla admin email, name and password.
Looks like we don't have an administrator set up yet. Either this is
your first time using Bugzilla, or your administrator's privileges
might have accidentally been deleted.
Enter the e-mail address of the administrator:
Enter the real name of the administrator: test1
Enter a password for the administrator account:
Please retype the password to verify: is now set up as an administrator.
Creating initial dummy product 'TestProduct'...
Now that you have installed Bugzilla, you should visit the 'Parameters'
page (linked in the footer of the Administrator account) to ensure it
is set up as you wish - this includes setting the 'urlbase' option to
the correct URL. complete.
Create Bugzilla Apache Site Configuration file
Now we need to create an Apache site configuration file in order to access Bugzilla web interface.
Now set the ownership of Bugzilla document root directory to the Apache user
sudo chown -R www-data: /var/www/html/bugzilla/
Test the Apache systax:
sudo apachectl -t
If no errors were returned, we can now restart the Apache service
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Testing Bugzilla Installation
Once you’re done with the installation and setup of Bugzilla we can run the script to verify the installation and testing was successful. Its best to run this as the root user:
sudo -i
cd /var/www/html/bugzilla
And you should get the following output if it was successful:
TEST-OK Webserver is running under group id in $webservergroup.
TEST-OK Got padlock picture.
TEST-OK Webserver is executing CGIs via mod_cgi.
TEST-OK Webserver is preventing fetch of
Logging into the Bugzilla Web Interface
Once you have confirmed the installation was successful, you can then access Bugzilla web interface via your url you’ve setup Bugzilla on.
Login using the administrator email and password you created above. You can create as many accounts as needed.
Bugzilla Firewall Ports
Bugzilla uses the following ports:
TCP 80
TCP 443
If you are using any of the cloud security groups and need to change / add ports refer to the following guides:
Disclaimer: Bugzilla is licensed under Mozilla Public License 2.0. No warrantee of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software. Use at your risk.
Cloud Solution Architect. Helping customers transform their business to the cloud. 20 years experience working in complex infrastructure environments and a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert on everything Cloud.