How to Setup Docker Swarm Load Balancing using Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04. In this post, we will introduce Docker and Containerload balancing. Following we show the advantages and then explain how to set up Docker swarm load balancing using Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04.
Let’s continue this article blog about how to Setup Docker Swarm Load Balancing using Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04.
Generally, load balancing efficiently distributes incoming network traffic across a group of backend servers.
Different high traffic websites must serve thousands of concurrent requests from users or clients. They have to return the correct images, text, video, or application data in a fast and reliable manner.
There’s a need for more servers to meet the high volumes and modern computing best practices. A load balancer in your servers routes client requests across all servers.
Capable of fulfilling requests to maximize speed and capacity utilization and reduce server overload. But how does load balancing work in Docker?
What are the different benefits of container load balancing? Let’s find out.
Developers use containers to test, deploy, and scale applications through continuous integration and delivery (CI / CD). But the container based applications’ stateless and transient nature requires traffic control for optimal performance.
Orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, Mirantis, Amazon ECS, etc., deploy and manage containers. A dedicated load balancer sitting in front of the Docker engine results in higher scalability and availability of client requests.
Also ensure the uninterrupted performance of the microservices based applications that run inside the container. The ability to update a microservice without disruption is possible by load balancingDocker containers.
When you deploy containers across multiple servers, multiple containers can be accessible on the same host port. It’s because of the load balancers in Docker containers.
Docker is a platform that runs applications in containers. Hence, it also includes the distribution, packaging, and management of independent container applications.
In addition to management tasks, container load balancing offers infrastructure services applications security and effective running.
But it’s only possible once the following points are true:
You deploy containers across a cluster of servers.
Containers are continuously updated without disruption.
Load balancing for different containers on a single host is accessible on the same port.
Out of multiple benefits, here are a few container loads balancing benefits:
Balanced distribution
A user defined load balancing algorithm distributes traffic evenly through the endpoint group’s healthiest and most available backends.
Better visibility and security
Depending on the required granularity, visibility is available at the pod or container level. Also, preserving IP sources results in the simple tracking of traffic sources.
Accurate health checks
Direct health checks of the pods are an accurate way to determine the health of the backends.
Best Practices for Load Balancing Docker Containers
Here are the best practices for load balancing Docker containers with an Application Delivery Controller, including load balancer, WAF, and GSLB.
Support for automated service discovery
Service discovery is a vital feature of container environments because it allows dynamic application scaling.
You can discover containers automatically and their health status so traffic can redirect to optimize application performance. Because of the automation, the process is faster than manual configurations.
Your Application Delivery Controller should support automated service discovery. If not, you will use manual processes to connect your ADCs to your containers. Also, scale your ADCs as your container use fluctuates.
Use an ADC to support DNS based service discovery using Service (SRV) records for port, IP, and weight.
Service mesh awareness
Cloud native applications composed of microservices that run across containers require a service mesh. It also needs a dedicated infrastructure layer for vital service to service communication for containerized microservices.
The services must communicate with each other with no impact on application performance.
Why? As applications convert into loosely coupled microservices running in container environments.Â
Management, Observability, and Scalability
Once deployed into the container environment, the ADC provides detailed Layer 7 telemetry, like latency and HTTP error rates. It is easy to access and act, so you know the traffic conditions and how the apps perform.
Also, you need to manage your ADC instances. But in a large scale containerized deployment, you might have thousands of ADCs, where it’s difficult to manage them individually.
Using these practices, you can increase the efficiency of container load balancing in Docker. Now that you understand Docker’s nitty gritty aspects of load balancing, you can use it effectively to manage your ecosystem.
Setup Docker Swarm Load Balancing using NGinx on Ubuntu 20.04
Three server running Ubuntu 20.04 operating system along with SSH access.
A root password or a user with sudo privileges
Minimum 4 GB of RAM with 2 Cores CPU.
Install Docker Engine on All Nodes
Before starting, You will need to install Docker CE package on all nodes. To install the latest Docker version, you will need to set up the Docker repository in your system.
First, install required dependencies using the following command:
First, you will need to set up Docker Swarm cluster for two of the three nodes. To do so, log in to the master node and run the following command to initialize the Swarm cluster.
docker swarm init --advertise-addr master-ip
You will get the following output:
Swarm initialized: current node (c1403ozs6dqtfczwifoxds0whme3) is now a manager.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-3zircoouq3j30rpsbx6lg2ui7w4zmbsv6zzfgsmjd7w9lp-nxx72k07z9e2q3y08r7m3iv34
To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.
After initializing the Docker Swarm, you can run the following command to verify Swarm cluster.
Once the Worker node is added to the Swarm cluster, you can verify it with the following command:
docker node ls
You should get something like this:
czwifhme3vc2a2v03ozs6dqtf * moster Ready Active Leader 20.10.12
ltp7u6zh8zkqmrtk7p2pi3lqz worker Ready Active 20.10.12
Next, you will need to deploy the Nginx service on the master node and scale it among both nodes. Go to the master node and run the following command to create an Nginx service:
docker service create --name backend --replicas 2 --publish 8080:80 nginx
You should see the following output:
overall progress: 1 out of 1 tasks
1/1: running [==================================================>]
verify: Service converged
Next, verify your Nginx service using the following command:
docker service ls
You should get something like this:
bcbju1lq9zkr backend replicated 2/2 nginx:latest *:8080->80/tcp
To set up a load balancer, you will need to initialize a single Swarm cluster on the load balancer node. Log in to the Load balancer node and initialize the new Swarm with the following command:
Next, create directory for Load balancer with the following command:
mkdir -p /data/loadbalancer
Next, create a configuration file with the following command:
nano /data/loadbalancer/default.conf
Add the following configurations:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
upstream backend {
server master-ip:8080;
server worker-ip:8080;
Save and close the file then create the load balancer container and publish it on port 80.
docker service create --name loadbalancer --mount type=bind,source=/data/loadbalancer,target=/etc/nginx/conf.d --publish 80:80 nginx
The above command will create an Nginx container and allow connections to the web services hosted by your Docker Swarm.
Next, open your web browser and verify the Load balancer using the URL http://load-balancer-ip. You should see the Nginx test page on the following screen.
Thank you for reading How to Setup Docker Swarm Load Balancing using Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04. We shall conclude.
How to Setup Docker Swarm Load Balancing using Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04 Conclusion
In this post, we have set up a Docker Swarm cluster on two nodes and deploy the Nginx service. Then, we set up a load balancer on the third node to access the Nginx server hosted on the Docker Swarm cluster. You can now also add more worker nodes on the Docker Swarm cluster to achieve the high availability.
Would you like to read more about Docker, then please click here.
I am a fan of open source technology and have more than 10 years of experience working with Linux and Open Source technologies. I am one of the Linux technical writers for Cloud Infrastructure Services.
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