How to setup MariaDB on Windows in Azure/AWS/GCP

To install MariaDB on Windows and run on any of the cloud platforms, the best way is to use the readily available images in the marketplaces. Choose between Windows Server 2022, 2019 or 2016 and deploy with the latest version of MariaDB, Mysql Workbench and HeidiSQL for Database administration. Check the links below to deploy straight into your environment.

MariaDB Windows

Table of Contents

MariaDB Windows Database Management System (DBMS) features

MariaDB  is a popular fork of MySQL , multi-threaded, relational database management system and some of the features it offers are:


  • Offers a wide selection of storage engines and  for  other RDBMS data sources.
  • MariaDB operates in  PHP, one of the most popular web development languages
  • Storage Engines: MariaDB has 12 new storage engines.
  • Faster cache/indexes.
  • MariaDB offers Galera cluster technology.
  • Larger and Faster Connection Pool.
  • MariaDB comes with an advanced thread pool capable of running faster and supporting up to 200,000+ connections.
  • Improved Replication that can be done safer and faster.
  • New Features/Extensions: including the JSON, WITH and KILL statements.
  • MariaDB also offers many operations and commands and eliminates/replaces features impacting performance negatively.

Getting Started with MariaDB on Windows

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) into new server

Once you have deployed MariaDB on Windows server, the first step is to RDP into the new instance once it has fully booted up.  The following links explain how to connect the VM once it has finished being deployed:



Once logged in, you’re now ready to start setting up your new server as per the following sections depending on which cloud platform you’re using.

Using MariaDB Windows on Azure

MariaDB is ready to use as soon as you login.


MariaDB root login details are:

User: root

Pass: blank (no password set)


Documentation on using MariaDB and the pre installed tools can be found on the following links:


MariaDB Documentation:


Using HeidiSQL:


Using MySQL Workbench:

Using MariaDB Windows on AWS

MariaDB is ready to use as soon as you login.


MariaDB root login details are:

User: root

Password: Password is the VM Instance ID. To find the Instance ID you will find on the top right of the desktop or within the AWS console under the EC2 VM properties


NOTE: If you find the root password doesn’t work. Wait 5 mins as during the first boot a start script is setting the root MySQL password and could still be running. You can see if its still running by viewing any Windows task schedule jobs. Wait for it to finish and then try logging in again.


Documentation on using MariaDB and the pre installed tools can be found on the following links:


MariaDB Documentation:


Using HeidiSQL:


Using MySQL Workbench:

Using MariaDB Windows on GCP

MariaDB is ready to use as soon as you login.


MariaDB root login details are:

User: root

Password: Password is the VM Instance ID. To find the Instance ID you will find on the property details of the VM within your GCP console. Here is a screenshot of where you will find it:

NOTE: If you find the root password doesn’t work. Wait 5 mins as during the first boot a start script is setting the root MySQL/MariaDB password and could still be running. You can see if its still running by viewing any Windows task schedule jobs. Wait for it to finish and then try logging in again.


Documentation on using MariaDB and the pre installed tools can be found on the following links:


MariaDB Documentation:


Using HeidiSQL:


Using MySQL Workbench:

MariaDB Firewall Ports

MariaDB is configured to use the following ports:


TCP 3306


To setup AWS firewall rules refer to – AWS Security Groups

To setup Azure firewall rules refer to – Azure Network Security Groups

To setup Google GCP firewall rules refer to – Creating GCP Firewalls

MariaDB Support/Documentation

If you require any help with the installation of MariaDB, leave a comment below or contact us directly if you are experiencing any issues.


Disclaimer: MariaDB® is a registered trademark owned by MariaDB Corporation Ab, Inc and is licensed under GPL v2 license. No warrantee of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software. Use at your risk, responsibility for damages (if any) to anyone resulting from the use of this software rest entirely with the user. The author is not responsible for any damage that its use could cause.

Avatar for Andrew Fitzgerald
Andrew Fitzgerald

Cloud Solution Architect. Helping customers transform their business to the cloud. 20 years experience working in complex infrastructure environments and a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert on everything Cloud.

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