Ruby on Rails vs Node.js- What’s the Difference (Pros and Cons). They are the two top rated programming languages and web development frameworks. In this article blog we will compare of Node.js vs Ruby on Rails with their pros and cons. Let’s start.
What is Ruby on Rails?
Ruby on rails is based on the ruby language, an object oriented language that combines critical elements from several other languages. Rails is also Ruby based application framework. Ruby on Rails, often known as Rails, is a web development framework. It offers numerous benefits for startups and is widely used for server side applications. Rails is an MVC framework that offers the default structure for databases, web services and web pages. It also encourages the adoption of web standards like XML and JSON, which are used in data transferring, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for UI design.
The Rails framework is highly recommended for creating and managing database backed web applications. In addition to MVC (Model View Controller), which is the basis of RoR uses various popular software development patterns and architectures, such as DRY (Don’t repeat yourself ), CoC (Convention over Configuration) and the active record pattern.
Ruby on Rails has several advantages as well as disadvantages. This language is popular among startups not just because of its benefits. But what are the pros and cons of utilizing Rails and making it appealing to entrepreneurs?
RoR has a user friendly and easily readable syntax. The use of common rules helps to adhere to any stage of development conveniently.
Compatible with multiple frontend frameworks
Ruby on Rails is compatible with popular frontend web development frameworks such as React, Angular.js, and Vue. Therefore developers can easily integrate those with RoR.
Complying with industry standards
Ruby on Rails follows 2 main industry standards; DRY and CoC
DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourself
This principle targets eliminating duplicated code blocks and repetitions
CoC – Convention over Configuration.
This standard targets on reducing the developer’s input in decision making by elimination g the logical complexities in an application development architecture
Increased Development speed
Ruby on Rails has a vast collection of libraries, extensions, utilities and components that the developers can use accordingly. This reduces the implementation effort and also improves the quality of the application too.
RoR has a slower performance when compared to other similar frameworks such as Node.js or Django. Multi threading usually causes speed and performance issues.
Wrong decisions cost more
One wrong decision of the developer can impact the performance and the functionalities of the application. In the future, it can be hard to fix due to the community driven rapid development.
Rapid development
Ruby on Rails is subjected to a rapid development due to the contributions of the community, which can be a disadvantage. Therefore, the applications developed with Ruby on Rails should be kept up to date with the newest feature.
Lack of documentation
Usually, it is difficult to find good documentation. Therefore there can be difficulties while developing the applications.
Reduced boot speed, taking longer than usual to start.
next in the article Ruby on Rails vs Node.js- What’s the Difference is to introduce Nodejs.
Moreover, Node.js is an open source and JavaScript based runtime environment with cross platform capabilities. It is based on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine (developed in C++ and openly released by Google), allowing it to execute JavaScript scripts outside of a web browser.
Node.js enables programmers to design real time, server side, dynamic web applications that run on any distributed system, such as Linux, Microsoft Windows and Os). Node.js also includes many rich JavaScript libraries, most of which are hosted on npm based websites, making web based programming a breeze. Without employing the concept of threading, the event driven programming methodology used in Node.js allows for the creation of deep scalable servers using callbacks to communicate when a task is completed.
We need to include the Node.js libuv package to allow single threaded event loop capabilities in web pages. This (libuv) module offers a thread pool used to handle the execution of concurrent requests. However, one disadvantage of this approach is the inability to support vertical scaling. It is compatible with all internet protocols, including HTTP, DNS and TCP.
Built on JavaScript runtime, Nodejs is an open source platform for server side execution of JavaScript code. Node.js is more efficient and lightweight due to its event driven and non blocking I/O approach.Node.js processing model is as below.
Node.js is a web framework based on JavaScript. It has the support of the JavaScript tech stack and environments such as MongoDB, Angular, and Express.js. NodeJS is used for both frontend and backend development.
Active library support
The NodeJs package manager helps to get library support with a vast collection of about 8000 packages and components.
Provides a full package from the HTTP server to the templating engine.
The ability to develop client side and server side using the same language.
Easy to deploy and monitor while providing support.
Node.js is a runtime environment that develops server side web applications using JavaScript. best suited for online games, chatrooms, and collaboration platforms in real time. Node.JS is quite adaptable when it comes to versatility, and it can perform tasks outside of the frame. However, you must first write some code and then install a few modules
Node.js API development
Node.js better software for developing REST API development with representational state transfer (REST)
Node.js Microservices
Nodejs is based on non blocking request algorithms and event driven approach. It connects several services and handles other requests simultaneously.
Ruby on Rails full stack web application
Ruby framework is built on its Model, View and Controller framework. Ruby on Rails is not a significantly adaptable framework. It’s difficult to think outside the box, and you will have to create your application from scratch.
When considering the learning curve of Node.JS, it is slightly easier than Rails. Moreover, it is adaptable and straightforward for developers even without prior experience. Finding Node.js developers is easy in the United States, while it may be more difficult in some European countries.
Learning Rails is simple. However, you will likely need to know and comprehend crucial attributes such as objects, classes and Ruby level methods. Finding experienced Ruby on Rails developers might be difficult. Even though the market determines the popularity of each technology, finding a competent developer is always tricky.
Node.js is single threaded and non blocking execution of the Javascript V8 engine that leads to fast speeds in performance.
Ruby on rails
Is is generally slower than Node.js. Ruby’s Garbage Collector (GC) uses a slow algorithm that leads to stopping the application, when garbage collection is in progress.
Testing is also a vital part of Ruby on Rails. It makes it easier for developers to check the code they write as they build the back end due to the MVC architecture model.
Community interest
Community interest over the time for Ruby on Rails vs Node.js is as follows:
That is it! We have learned about Ruby on Rails vs Node.js- What’s the Difference. Let’s conclude.
Ruby on Rails vs Node.js - What’s the Difference Conclusion
Node.js and Ruby are both great tools for back end development. Node.js main strength is being able to use JavaScript and high performance speed for the technology stack.
Node.js has non-blocking process and an event driven architecture, which makes him fast and responsive for back end languages.
Ruby on the other side is no capable with handling large loads. Ruby on Rails is highly beneficial for their excellent design and code quality. Developers don’t need to repeat their code so the development process is among the most efficient.
So Ruby on Rails vs Node.js? Ruby is a great option for teams for speed of development as their main goal. Node.js development tools are the best solution for real time web and single page applications.
Senior Software Engineer at WSO2 which is the 6th largest Open Source Software Company in the World. My main skills are machine learning and software development. I have 5+ years of experience as a Software engineer.