How to Setup Nginx Forward Proxy on Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04. In this guide, we introduce forward proxy, its types, advantages and after navigate to set up Nginx forward proxy on Ubuntu.
First of all, a proxy serves the basic purpose of working on behalf of another machine. By facilitating various online connections, traffic, and client requests, proxies enhance the user experience.
All in all, forward proxy fulfils the same purpose and becomes a mediator between web servers, clients, other backend servers, etc. Due to its structural position, forward proxy has several roles and uses.
Let’s start this article about How to Setup Nginx Forward Proxy on Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04.
Primarily speaking, a forward proxy acts as a mediator or intermediate between the users and the internet. All the HTTP connection requests (made by users’ devices)transit through the proxy server, and then get filtered through the policies established by the operations team or the system administrators.
In other words, a forward proxy server reviews a client request, takes mandatory actions, and redirects the request to the target on the client’s behalf. The proxy then assesses and scrutinizes, then takes any necessary action. If necessary the proxy passes it to the originating client.
This approach ensures that a forward proxy server gateway directs all organizational traffic. All access levels (servers, external resources, and websites) are safeguarded and monitored.
Interestingly, forward proxy mainly consists of two types: Residential Proxy and Datacenter Proxy. The primary purpose of both is to conceal the user’s IP address. Below we explain them both.
1. Residential Proxy
Residential Proxy connects to real residences and devices in countries and uses IP addresses. ISPs (Internet Service Providers) directly issue these IP addresses, making it difficult for websites to recognize a proxy user and block them. During web scraping, residential proxies simply rotate their IP addresses. However, these IPs must be purchased or rented from ISPs.
There are more expensive static and mobile proxies with advanced features of residential proxies. Mobile proxies make sure your IP address changes with every connection, whereas static proxies use a single IP home address (such as one connected through 3G, 4G, or 5G).
Mobile proxies are difficult to identify by anti bot systems. When a user wishes for the same IP address for a series of sessions, they use static proxy.
Do not use Residential Proxies from unverified sources since they pose several risks, such as loss of business operations, harm to one’s reputation, and even possible legal issues.
2. Datacenter Proxy
Datacenter proxies are not connected to any Internet Service Providers (ISP), but users still remain anonymous through a private company providing IP authentication. Cloud hosting services mostly use datacenter proxies. However, some anti bot detectors recognise these IPs (since they are not listed as ISP providers). So, there is a need to implement some protective steps.
A datacenter proxy’s IP addresses come from a data centre full of servers to conceal an original IP address with another IP. This commonly results in datacenter proxies running more quickly and with reduced latencies.
Datacenter proxies are inexpensive and fast. However, users often get banned as spam on websites (if the user generates a lot of traffic).
Organisations and individual users use forward proxy servers for several reasons, including:
To gain access in geo restricted areas
Generally, forward proxy servers are useful to gain access to geographically restricted content. Users view content tailored to their location while exploring. Additionally, users access a range of content meant for other nations. For businesses that offer ad verification services regardless of their geolocation, these businesses are able to monitor advertisements.
Prevents threat
SaaS programmes are a medium for the transmission of viruses, as it always goes for the preferable route for data exfiltration. Rapid sharing features then result in the spreading of malicious data both inside and outside of organisations. Thankfully, a forward proxy enables technologies like advanced threat protection (ATP) and cloud sandbox to function inline. This intercepts threats in transit, preventing infected data from being uploaded to cloud services.
Provides anonymity
Additionally, forward proxy keeps the user’s identity anonymous. Since proxies reroute every request, no online services can recognise the user, similar to how VPNs work. The forward proxy ensures monitoring and recording of all traffic from authorised user devices, enabling recognition of unauthorised apps and controlling access to them individually or in groups.
Web scraping
It is the most prevalent use of forward proxy. Usually, businesses collect data to enhance their pricing, marketing, and other business activities. Web scraping assists businesses to keep up in a competitive market. Furthermore, forward proxies are used to manage and set up social media accounts, regulate internet consumption, and much more.
Now we have arrived to the main part of the article How to Setup Nginx Forward Proxy on Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04.
How to Setup Nginx Forward Proxy on Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04
In this section, we learn how to install and configure Apache as a backend server. We then set up Nginx as a forward proxy to the Apache backend server.
Next, you need to configure the Apache as a backend server that listens on localhost on port 8080. Let’s create an Apache virtual host configuration file.
At this point, the Nginx server is installed and configured as a forward proxy. Now, it’s time to verify whether its working or not. To verify it, open your web browser and type the URL You should see the info.php page hosted on the Apache backend server.
Thank you for reading How to Setup Nginx Forward Proxy on Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04. We will conclude this article blog.
How to Setup Nginx Forward Proxy on Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04 Conclusion
In this tutorial, you have learned how to set up Nginxforward proxy on Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04. I hope this guide assists you in setting up Nginx forward proxy to any server.
Forward proxy provides privacy and security to their users. Forward proxy eliminates the cost of buying and maintaining other tools while scaling to match market demand. The main issue of evaluating TLS/SSL encrypted traffic is data leaks, which are also resolved by forward proxy.
Do explore more of our Proxy (Nginx) content by navigating over here.
I am a fan of open source technology and have more than 10 years of experience working with Linux and Open Source technologies. I am one of the Linux technical writers for Cloud Infrastructure Services.