How to Install FileZilla FTP Server on Debian 11 (Step by Step)

How to Install FileZilla FTP Server on Debian 11 (Step by Step). It is hard to do anything without transferring files nowadays.

Today’s businesses face increased expectations and demands for tailored products and services. Transferring data between systems easily becomes time consuming and challenging and often affects workflow and productivity.

From Word documents to PDFs to audio and video files, several formats have become common in the workplace. With it, the need to transfer all this data over the Internet in a time efficient manner has become almost a common requirement. 

File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is a protocol for transferring files between two hosts on a network. There are many uses for FTP, but most commonly, it is used to transfer files between two hosts.

FileZilla Server is a secure FTP server that allows you to open, create, and edit files on your FTP server.

It provides an easy way to transfer files between any computer and server. Besides, FileZilla Server works with all kinds of FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and SCP servers, including Internet sites like Dropbox, Google Docs, and Amazon S3.

This article introduces FileZilla FTP Server and discusses its advantages and features. Moreover, it details the FileZilla FTP Server installation on the Debian 11 system.

What is FTP and FileZilla FTP Server

First of all, FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a part of the TCP/IP protocol suite that allows users to transfer files from one place to another. Users also are able to create their own FTP server and allow other users to connect to it.

It is the most popular file transfer protocol in use today. Many people use FTP because it is secure, easy to use, and has been around for a long time.

FileZilla FTP Server is open source software compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It also supports FTP over SSL (FTPS), SFTP, and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). It also supports several different web browsers, such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari.

Additionally, FileZilla Server supports anonymous, non anonymous, and authenticated SSL/TLS connections. It can be used to create, edit, and delete directories on a remote FTP server. You can also use it to transfer files securely from your computer to the remote server.

FileZilla comes with a basic feature set that includes user authentication support, file synchronization support, and file downloading support, among other things.

Supports both basic and digest authentication methods, meaning you choose between username/password or user name/password authentication. Even use an external database for the authorization of users.

One thing to note about using FTP is that it requires two separate programs: an FTP client program (for desktop computers) and an FTP server program (for web servers). If you want to use FileZilla as a simple file transfer tool, then you need to install the program first on your computer or in your web hosting account’s root directory.

FileZilla FTP Server Features

FileZilla’s FTP server comes with the following significant features:

      • Some file transmission protocols are supported, including FTP and FTPS (SFTP still needs to be enabled).

      • Manage individuals with the option of restricting access based on system wide credentials, if requested.

      • Create, maintain, and renew X.509 certificates.

      • Login Configuration.

      • Transfer speed restrictions apply to both files and downloads.

      • Throttling (banning) particular users based on preset parameters.

      • Blocking links based on IP addresses.

    FileZilla FTP Server Advantages 

    Some of the major benefits of FileZilla Server are as follows:

      • Open source and  cost effective.

      • Provide fast, efficient, and secure file transfers.

      • Multi language Support.

      • Runs on multiple server transfers simultaneously.

      • Cross platform Support.

      • Supports Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon S3 and DropBox.

      • Support for remote file editing and searching for remote files.

      • Connect to FTP via a VPN.

    Follow this post to learn how to install FileZilla FTP Server on the Debian 11 server.

    How to Install FileZilla FTP Server on Debian 11

    Install FileZilla FTP Server Using the .deb File

    The FileZilla Project official website provides a deb file that helps to install the FileZilla server directly onto Debian 11.

    Download FileZilla Server Installation File 

    The first step of the installation is to go to the FileZilla Project site and download the file with the .deb extension under Linux (64-bit x86) option.

    Install the FileZilla Server Through .deb File 

    Once you have downloaded the .deb file, navigate to the folder with the .deb file using the following command.

    					cd ~/Downloads

    Now install this .deb file through different methods, such as using the apt package.

    					sudo apt install ./FileZilla_Server_x86_64-linux-gnu.deb

    Or use the following command to install it using the dpkg command.

    					sudo dpkg -i FileZilla_Server_x86_64-linux-gnu.deb

    This method prompts for a password for the FileZilla server configuration.

    Once it is installed, launch it from applications.

    Install FileZilla FTP Server Using the tar File

    Download FileZilla Server Installation File 

    The first step of FileZilla installation is to go to the download page on the FileZilla Project site and click the Show additional download options.

    Next, download the file with the .tar.bz2 extension under Linux(64bit x86) option.

    Once you have downloaded the file, copy and paste this tar.bz2 file into the /usr directory using the following command.

    					sudo cp /home/debian/Downloads/FileZilla_Server_x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 /usr

    Unzip and Install the tar.bz2 File

    Run the following command in the terminal to navigate to the /usr directory.

    					cd /usr

    Now, use the following command to unzip the tar.bz2 file.

    					sudo tar -xvf FileZilla_Server_x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 /usr

    You will see your application in other applications later. For that, you need to open an application called the main menu.

    Next, navigate to the Internet tab, click on the New Item button, and give the application a name and path. Click OK.

    Now you see and open your application within other applications. This takes you to the installation wizard, and you see the FileZilla server open up.

    Install FileZilla FTP Server Using Wine

    It is reported that in some cases, FileZilla runs in a buggy manner. If your application is not running properly, you use the stable Windows FileZilla Server file and install it using the Wine application on Debian 11. 

    Please install wine using the instructions given in this article.

    Next, grab the FileZilla installation file for Windows from the official site.

    Navigate to the downloaded file and run the following command to start the installation.

    					sudo wine FileZilla_Server_1.6.7_win64-setup.exe

    The installation wizard walks you through the configurations. Finish the installation and you open and connect to the server using the set credentials.

    That’s it for the FileZilla FTP server installation on Debian 11.

    How to Install FileZilla FTP Server on Debian 11 (Step by Step) Conclusion

    As we already know, FTP is an abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol. It is an Internet protocol that allows users to transfer files between a server and a client.

    File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is one of the oldest and most widely used technologies that has developed over the years to become a crucial part of how data and files are transferred from one location to another.

    Most hosting companies use FTP servers and web hosts to allow their clients to upload and download files. All in all, FileZilla is one such open source FTP server.

    Finally, it is fast, reliable and the most popular cross platform FTP solution. Users around the world trust FileZilla to be their daily FTP application. Available in 33 languages, supports all important servers such as Microsoft (Visual C++ or .NET), Unix/Linux, or Apple, and supports a range of useful features. 

    In this article, you have learned how to install the FileZilla FTP server on the Debian 11 system.

    Explore our FTP section to learn more.

    Avatar for Sobia Arshad
    Sobia Arshad

    Information Security professional with 4+ years of experience. I am interested in learning about new technologies and loves working with all kinds of infrastructures.

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